Classes Sailed
- Farr 6000
- Farr 740Sport
- Farr 7500
- Cole 19
- Cygnet
- Gazelle 26
- RL 24
- Sonata 6.3
- Sonata 6.7
- Sonata 7
- Sonata 7.8
- Sabre 25
- Sunmaid
- Ross 780 mk3
- Noelex 25
- Castle 650
- MacGregor 26M
- MacGregor 26X
- Clubman 8
- Spider 24
- Spider 22
- Hunter 18
- Hunter 216

NHTYA Racing

We enjoy an active race calendar and mixed race fleet. Races are organised to suit trailer sailers, using navigation marks to determine the course.
Races usually start from Rathmines Bay. Racing is held monthly, with the exception of June, July and August , and is a staggered scratch start. This means the slower boats start earlier than the faster boats thus reducing hassles at the start line and, in theory, all boats should finish at about the same time.
Club race series results are calculated using a Personal Based Handicap (PBH) and a Class Based Handicap (CBH).
All classes of Trailer Sailer are welcome. Racing is the best way to improve your sailing and if you've never raced before - don't be concerned we are more than happy to teach you.

How to race a Ross 780 Mk III with spinaker and only 2 on board.
'A crew's perspective'

Marlay Point
Overnight Race
NHTYA 2015 contingent

Peter Melbourne
Race Officer