Come sail with us.

Thank you for your interest in the Newcastle and Hunter Trailer Yacht Association Inc. [NHTYA]
NHTYA is a non-profit organisation, its aim to encourage all aspects of trailer yachting by organising and promoting sailing and social events for members and their families.

The Association consists mostly of trailerable yachts, more commonly called “trailer sailers”. Boats in our fleet range from the smaller trailer sailers up to the sportier racing trailer sailers. Our Club offers a very active racing and cruising calendar covering all of Lake Macquarie together with surrounding venues. The calendar extends throughout the year at approximately fortnightly intervals with exception of June and July when off-water activities are planned.
Within its ranks, the Club has members who can offer the novice sailor assistance with rigging and sailing his or her boat. Knowledge of safely navigating Lake Macquarie, acquired over the years, is readily passed onto newcomers during our many fun-filled cruising weekends.
Weekend cruise events take in places such as Wallis Lakes, Myall Lakes, Pittwater, Sydney and, of course, Lake Macquarie. Cruisers are encouraged to bring along refreshments (including liquid refreshments) to share during the Saturday evening gathering, often around a fire or just in good company.
Races are organised to suit trailer sailers, using navigation marks to determine the course. Races usually start from Rathmines Bay. Racing is held monthly, with the exception of June, July, and August, and is a staggered scratch start. This means the slower boats start earlier than the faster boats thus reducing hassles at the start line and, in theory, all boats should finish at about the same time. With the Club’s excellent performance based handicapping system, all entrants are potential winners.
It is a condition of the Association that all yachts hold comprehensive or third party property insurance with public liability.
We publish a monthly Newsletter with reports on previous activities and a calendar of future events.
General Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at 7.00 pm at Club Macquarie, Lake Road, Argenton.
You will see on comparison that our fees are kept to a minimum and entitle members to regular newsletters and inclusion in events. Fees for the current year are $90.00 membership per boat, Sailing Australia fees $40 for the full season, $35 for each race series (Spring or Autumn) and $10 for the full Off The Beach (OTB) series.
Prospective members are welcome to join with us for a couple of activities prior to joining and attend the monthly meetings in order to “get to know us” before taking the plunge. Just make yourself known to members of NHTYA at the ramp and/or introduce yourself at meetings.
We look forward to sailing with you soon.
See you on the water!
Robin Parker