When cruising, how do we ?
Whether you're new to trailer sailing or not, these topics are always of keen interest . Everyone has their own way of doing things. These are a few suggestions from club members that work for them.

Boat food ideas and recipes
Boat food is an expression yachties use to describe easy culinary delights produced from the galley. This section includes recipes and ideas of meals and nibbles from club members. Some are just ideas we tend to forget as they are so easy. The theme is ‘easy’ as we can all slave over a burner to produce basically anything we can cook at home- BUT on a trailer sailer we are social creatures and one must consider participation in ‘Happy hour’ or the serenity of our anchorage. Please take a look, we would be most interested in your easy boat food ideas.
What to take and how to store it? Just how much do you take? Vacuum sealing, why? Dehydrated food? Packing lists? Cleaning on a boat? Etc. These are just a few questions those new to trailer sailing ask.
NHTYA is putting together information for trailer sailors of all experience and asking trailer sailors how they do things. Look out for more to come.

Interior Ideas
Interior design in a boat? Now we are talking to the Admirals of the yacht. Sorry if anyone is offended but many skipper just doesn’t understand. We like things to look good and match. SO how do we do this? Do we have curtains or not? Cushions- make your own? Tables? Colour ways? What else? So much more - info coming soon.
Power and Batteries
One of the most important topics to get right. Enough power for the fridge and to keep those beers cold- err white wine chilled. C-pap machine? NO seriously a good power and battery system can make or break a cruise. Different cruise types demand different set ups. From short trips where only a few lights are needed to being self-sufficient for extended periods- you need a renewable and reliable source of power. Details coming soon.